Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4 1/2 Months old

Gracie likes to squeal. Lately she has been entertaining herself through the sound of her voice. She will squeal, scream, and generally expel a whole range of sounds just to experiment with this new means of communication. She does this while laying in her crib in the middle of the night or when mommy is making dinner.

The other day she actually responded to my prompt for a squeal! I did my best version of her usual squeal and she mimicked it back to me. There are definitely beginnings of conversation happening between us and I couldn't be more excited for that.

Its so much fun to dream about who she will be one day. In front of me is this little squealing pile of chunky baby, but in my mind I imagine a toddler with a wild imagination or a 12 year old with braces and a brooding attitude. I imagine the future and I see all of the possibilities of who she could be. I can't believe I get to watch her grow up.